Act Aditional Contract De Inchiriere 25
Cluster headaches are characterized by attacks of unilateral pain that last from five to 60 minutes. Cluster headache is usually characterized by pain in one side of the head, which is usually, but not always, accompanied by tiredness, agitation, moodiness, runny nose and eyes lining, redness of the eyes, and eyelid edema. Within an attack, the pain typically increases in intensity, lasts longer than usual, and may occur with a pitch, or whine, to the pain. Many patients report that the pain may increase from a dull ache to a sharp, stabbing pain.
At the onset of a cluster headache, patients typically experience a unilateral headache that localizes along one side of the head. Attaining a complete diagnosis can be difficult, because, in addition to unilateral pain, patients suffer from several of the other cardinal features of other headache syndromes. Therefore, cluster headaches should be differentiated from migraines, other cranial headaches, and sleep disorders.
Cluster headaches are mentioned in the following syndromes:Migraine: Is a primary extra cranial solitary, unilateral, strictly limited to the head and/or face; brings one-sided or severe attacks of a short-lived, severe, intense, and, as a rule, unilateral headache (most commonly on the same-Day of the week every month or related cycle of weeks); headache is usually accompanied by: (i) nausea or retching; (ii) malaise or other non-pain symptoms (e.g., fatigue, paresthesias and blurred vision) ; (iii) and rarely by light-headedness.
Even though the attacks have a classic sequence, some variations are common. Many patients experience an increase in intensity of headache during an attack lasting 15 minutes to 45 minutes, followed by a more prolonged remission and then a new attack. d2c66b5586