Download Vmware Fusion 10 For Mac
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The first thing to do is to download and install VMware Fusion 6.5.1. This version of VMware Fusion supports Windows 10. The second thing is to create a new virtual machine. You cannot run Windows 11 in a guest OS using VMware Fusion. Windows 10 is the first version of Windows that VMware Fusion supports. So, before creating a new virtual machine, you need to download Windows 10, so you can install it inside a virtual machine. This took several hours, but it was worth it.
I was surprised how well Windows 10 worked on a Mac. I did notice that some of the functions (e.g., opening programs) worked very differently in Windows 10 compared to previous releases of Windows.
I was disappointed to learn that VMware fusion does not support Windows 11. Not only does VMware not support Windows 11, but you are also unable to run Windows 11 inside a VM using VMware Fusion. VMware Fusion supports Windows 10, but not Windows 11.
Once Windows 10 was installed, I then opened VMware Fusion and created a new virtual machine. Windows 10 is a bit larger than the previous Windows releases. This is an OS that is designed for touch.
You will need to install the following software by hand (unlessyou already have it):
Software: Java 8 Update 45 or greater
Software: VMware Fusion
Software: VMware Fusion (again)
Software: Fusion Player
Your project plan is to walk through the development workflow withthe following steps:
Download and extract the Fusion source.
Launch Fusion, and run the installer.
Run the Fusion updater and update the guest OS to ESXi.
Configure the host and network interfaces.
Download and install your distribution.
Install the prerequisites.
Start Fusion.
Bring up the Fusion UI.
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