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Format As Table creates a new table. It doesn't replace an existing table. To convert an existing table to this format, select the table you want to format with the Format As Table toolbar button. With a table selected, click Table on the menu bar. The Table Options dialog box appears. In the Table Options dialog box, in the Number of Columns section, enter the number of columns you want. In the Bullet Style (Bullet List) and Bullet Location (Left or Center) drop-down lists, select the bullet style you want. In the Alignment drop-down list, select the alignment.
In sum: we would like to combine a very strong formation in languages with an engagement with other scholars such as anthropologists, philosophers or historians, in order to give a comparative impulse to our work. But what kind of comparison? Not the research of analogies, not the description of typologies, but rather the analysis of concepts, categories, and issues as they appear, if they appear, in different societies. It seems that the Greeks are an excellent point of departure from which to ask questions about political thought, religion, mythology, gender, ethics, and sciences. d2c66b5586