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In The Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter is sent to live with his god-father, Albus Dumbledore, for the summer holidays at The Burrow, Dumbledore's country home in the district of Little Hangleton, Cheshire, England, where he and his godfather plan to train him for his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hermione, then still a student, is also staying with the Potters at the Burrow, as she is scheduled for her second year at Hogwarts. The two have an antagonistic relationship, mainly because of their very different views on the education system versus the American system. As a result, Hermione fits in well with the stray cats at the Burrow and is nicknamed "Kitty-Cat", a nickname Ron is reluctant to have her assume. Hermione and her broom .
J.K. Rowling celebrates the accomplishment of finishing the final book on Twitter with a message to her fans. "Just to say I finished Deathly Hallows yesterday. I think I'm coasting a bit in the next 50 or so weeks. :-) Be seeing you all in JL’s 2007 tour. X" - J. K. Rowling [18]
To mark the publication of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, J. K. Rowling has made her first appearance on the Internet since she began writing the books, creating a fan fiction story to fill in the blanks of the ending of the series. d2c66b5586