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The topics in the text are presented in a bit different order than usual. The order some of the chapters are presented is a little confusing such as the separation of some of the chapters into two parts for the essentially the same subject matter. Separation of gravitation chapter into a single chapter is a little strange since we use gravity in many examples in previous chapters such as Potential Energy and Applications of Newton's Laws. I am a little confused as to why there are three University Physics volumes. Typically, introductory physics is separated into two semesters at universities. Having three volumes means second volume will be covered in both semesters.
I don't find the textbook insensitive but I do not see much effort to support culturally relevant physics learning. The topics covered in this volume could foster learner engagement with important historically and culturally situated topics like: subjectivity and inclusion in physics, energy equity and energy justice. Perhaps future editions will incorporate these culturally relevant topics.
So far all problems I have worked through are accurate and up to date examples. I have only found one typological error in an example problem, but the answer was correct based on putting the parentheses in the correct place. I submitted the errors via their site where errata can be submitted by users and those submissions can be seen by users. -physics-volume-1/errata
A typical course in introductory physics must cover a pretty standard set of topics. This text does a very good job at visiting all of them, following a standard presentation sequence that begins with a chapter on units and measurements and ends with a comprehensive discussion of wave mechanics. It often connects the subject with contemporary applications, with some relevant topics treated in the problem set, including examples of bio-inspired problems. In some cases it goes beyond the standard text, for example, when incorporates detailed calculus derivations and the presentation of advanced topics such as relativity (at the end of the chapter on gravitation) and Poiseuille and turbulent flows (in the chapter on fluid mechanics). The only major absence is the treatment of wave optics, which is discussed at length in volume III, where electromagnetic waves and modern physics are discussed.
The books contents are standard basic (but comprehensive) physics. There is plenty of room for expansion within the text. but perhaps a pitful is its comprehensiveness and there fore size, for all three volumes 2500+ pages, altough that will last most courses getting on two full years. Includes discussion, some questions and problems on Higgs boson for example.
This textbook (university physics volume 2) covers two units of introductory physics, thermodynamics and E&M, although usually we do not combine these two units in a one-semester course in our institute. The electricity and magnetism part more
This textbook (university physics volume 2) covers two units of introductory physics, thermodynamics and E&M, although usually we do not combine these two units in a one-semester course in our institute. The electricity and magnetism part can serve as a standalone textbook for a one-semester calculus based university physics course. All the topics in a similar course I offered for many years can be found in this textbook. Volume 2 ends at the discussion of Maxwell's equations and the E&M waves. It is very easy to adapt the material in the textbook to a common university physics course to cover electricity and magnetism. There are many wonderful examples to show the students how to apply the concepts discussed in the text. And the sets of homework are particularly useful for the teachers and students. However, if your course is designed to manage homework online, for example, LON-CAPA, you probably need some time to write the codes in order to use the homework problems. In my course, I continue with diffraction of waves and ray optics. If the authors can change the outline of the contents to include optics in volume 2, that will be wonderful.
This is the first in a 3-volume set. It covers all of classical mechanics along with waves and oscillations. It is appropriate for a calculus-based physics course in a 3-semester sequence. Combined with the other volumes, it can be adapted more
This is the first in a 3-volume set. It covers all of classical mechanics along with waves and oscillations. It is appropriate for a calculus-based physics course in a 3-semester sequence. Combined with the other volumes, it can be adapted to use in a 2-semester sequence.
The book is generally accurate. Inaccuracies are not related to content, but rather to typographic errors and such. More importantly, a site exists where errata can be submitted by users and those submissions can be seen by users. -physics-volume-1/errata
University Physics is a three-volume collection that meets the scope and sequence requirements for two- and three-semester calculus-based physics courses. Volume 1 covers mechanics, sound, oscillations, and waves. This textbook emphasizes connections between between theory and application, making physics concepts interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the mathematical rigor inherent in the subject. Frequent, strong examples focus on how to approach a problem, how to work with the equations, and how to check and generalize the result. 153554b96e