Private Teacher Caballero 1983
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Heathwood Hall is a very special place to Katherine ('94) and her husband, Stephen ('91), as they are both graduates of Heathwood Hall. Katherine attended Heathwood Hall from Kindergarten through 12 grade. Their three children are Highlanders as well: Walker '22, Ellie '23, and Ann Nelson '28. Her interest in Early Childhood Education started early and stems from her experience with her Senior Exhibition of Mastery here at Heathwood. Katherine earned her B.A. from Columbia College and has more than 15 years of teaching experience. She has taught 2-year-olds, preschool, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade in public and private schools. This is her ninth year back teaching at Heathwood and her third year as an EC 4 lead teacher. She truly enjoys spending each day with her students and nurturing their curiosity, enthusiasm, and love for learning. Katherine believes that Heathwood is by far the most rewarding teaching environment and community! She finds joy in watching her students grow and develop academically, socially, and emotionally here on campus for their entire school career from age 2 through age 18.
The first such scene is Preciosa's entrance in the gamblingden of the Knights of Calatrava. At the beginning of the scene, mention ofthe division of the physical space by a metal grate separating the gypsies inthe street and the knights inside underscores the power differential betweenthe two: "desde una reja llamaron unos caballeros a las gitanas. AsomosePreciosa a la reja, que era muy baja, y vio en una sala muy bien aderezada ymuy fresca muchos caballeros que, unos paseandose y otros jugando a diversosjuegos, se entretenian." (1: 72) We are introduced to Preciosas mode ofprivate performances when she asks, " Quierenme dar barato,cenores?" (1: 72). The negotiation of the deal, however, must await apromise from the caballeros that the gypsy girls, once they have entered,will not be molested. This need for faith in the knights' integrity--andsuggestion that there is reason to doubt it--is repeated by the gypsy girl,Cristina, who declines to enter, saying, "yo no pienso entrar adonde haytantos hombres" (1: 73). The effect of this debate, which Preciosawisely resolves by asserting that a group of men is less dangerous to theirhonor than one man in private, raises the question of whether thesecaballeros de Calatrava are trustworthy. Carroll Johnson characterizes theseknights well as unproductive members of the economy who waste their time inleisure pursuits. Their gambling is indicative of the way in which theycreate no new wealth, but only redistribute wealth that already exists(99-100). Their economic activity is one of a display of largesse--thegambling tip or barato--by which they attempt to maintain their status. Thegypsies, in turn, are on the receiving end of this economy, trading theirentertainment services for the wealth that will trickle down to them. 2b1af7f3a8