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The battles behind Francis Ford Coppola's surreal war movie are well-documented: the nightmarish, multiyear shoot; star Martin Sheen's heart attack and recovery; a cackling press corps that sharpened its knives for a turkey of epic proportions. Coppola would have the last laugh. So much of the vocabulary of the modern-day war picture comes from this movie, an operatic Vietnam-set tragedy shaped out of whirring helicopter blades, Wagnerian explosions, purple haze and Joseph Conrad's colonialist fantasia Heart of Darkness. Fans of the Godfather director, so pivotal to the 1970s, know this to be his last fully realized work; connoisseurs of the war movie see it (correctly) as his second all-out masterpiece.
Stop snickering: There's a real reason why this sci-fi actioner is so high on our list. Never before (and probably never again) had the monied apparatus of Hollywood been so co-opted to make a subversive comment about its own fascist impulses. Director Paul Verhoeven cackled all the way to the box office as giant bugs were exterminated by gorgeous, empty-headed bimbos; when Neil Patrick Harris showed up near the end of the movie in a full-length Nazi trench coat, the in-joke was practically outed. Source novelist Robert Heinlein meant his militaristic tale sincerely; meanwhile, the blithe destruction of humankind on display here could only be intended as a sharp critique, both of soldiering and of popular tastes. Return to it with fresh eyes.
The director, Anthony Mann, was best known for his Westerns that pinned heroes in uncomfortable, craggy environments. When he tried his hand at a combat film (this was his first), he set the action in a Korean no-man's land where an American platoon led by Robert Ryan finds itself stranded. The result was an uncommonly tough movie for the Ike era.
Pervy Dutch director Paul Verhoeven is better known for Basic Instinct and Showgirls, but war movies are his true métier. In this deliciously plotted WWII survival tale (a comeback of sorts for the Hollywood exile), a hotcha Jewish singer becomes a spy, a freedom fighter and a bed partner of Nazis. Talented Carice van Houten commits fully.
Neidinha spent over four decades working directly with Indigenous communities to defend their rights and protect their lands. In 1984, she moved back to Uru-eu-wau-wau territory as a ranger for FUNAI, the government agency responsible for protecting the traditions, cultures and rights of Indigenous people. A rush to exploit the rainforest for logging, mining, farming and cattle ranching was underway. While the Uru-eu-wau-wau had been granted sovereignty over 7,000 square miles of their ancestral territory, illegal incursions and attempted land theft were common. Neidinha and the Uru-eu-wau-wau worked together to conduct surveillance and catch invaders, forging an enduring relationship. After exposing corruption inside FUNAI in 1990, Neidinha and her fellow whistleblowers founded the nonprofit Kandidé Ethno-Environmental Defense Association to continue their work with Indigenous populations.
Conference Services: Over 80,000 square feet of versatile meeting space presents countless settings throughout beautifully-appointed indoor and outdoor venues. From magnificent ballrooms and boardrooms to attractively landscaped lawns, courtyards, and gardens, each location has distinct character, style and flexibility for functions of 20 - 1,000 attendees. The team provides highly-personalized service, comprehensive in-house support, audiovisual production and more.
This series contains the subject card catalog for the Universal Newsreels. The card catalog is arranged according to major subject divisions: Foreign Locations; U.S. Locations; General; Conveyances; Types of People; Education; Animals; Sports and Amusements; Aviation; U.S. Army; U.S. Navy; U.S. Government; and Personalities. The cards under U.S. Locations are the most inclusive since Universal routinely entered a card under each location or dateline. The cards from 1929 to 1943 are not as detailed as the later ones, but generally each card contains the film title or subject matter; release and outtake numbers; location and date of event concerned; and brief summary of contents or scene list. All the microfilm has been scanned and is available for download from the catalog.
This series consists of newsreel stories released by Time Inc. These newsreel stories cover a range of political, economic and military topics. While researchers are allowed to view these records at the National Archives at College Park, the use of these records is restricted and permission must be sought from the donor before copies can be made. Some of this series has been described in our online catalog but none have been digitized for download from the catalog.
This series consists of outtakes of newsreel stories released by Time Inc. These newsreel stories cover a range of political, economic and military topics. Unlike the MT-MT Releases, use of these records is NOT restricted. However, please be aware that there may still be underlying intellectual property rights issues and know that use of these records is at your own risk. Much of this series has been described in our online catalog and most have reference copies available for download from the catalog.
The emergence of this interpretation energised the existing field and had the effect of drawing in a far greater number of scholars. Alongside this came a growing interest in re-evaluating the motives of crusaders, with some of the existing emphases on money being downplayed and the cliché of landless younger sons out for adventure being laid to rest. Through the use of a broader range of evidence than ever before (especially charters, that is sales or loans of lands and/or rights), a stress on contemporary religious impulses as the dominant driver for, particularly the First Crusade, came through. Yet the wider world intruded on and then, in some ways, stimulated this academic debate: the horrors of 9/11 and President George W. Bush's disastrous use of the word 'crusade' to describe the 'war on terror' fed the extremists' message of hate and the notion of a longer, wider conflict between Islam and the West, dating back to the medieval period, became extremely prominent. In reality, of course, such a simplistic view is deeply flawed but it is a powerful shorthand for extremists of all persuasions (from Osama Bin Laden to Anders Breivik to ISIS) and certainly provided an impetus to study the legacy of the crusading age into the modern world, as we will see here, calling on the extensive online archive of History Today.
The Franks were always short on manpower but were a dynamic group who developed innovative institutions, such as the Military Orders, to survive. The Orders were founded to help look after pilgrims; in the case of the Hospitallers, through healthcare; in that of the Templars, to guard visitors on the road to the River Jordan. Soon both were fully-fledged religious institutions, whose members took the monastic vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. It proved a popular concept and donations from admiring and grateful pilgrims meant that the Military Orders developed a major role as landowners, as the custodians of castles and as the first real standing army in Christendom. They were independent of the control of the local rulers and could, at times, cause trouble for the king or squabble with one another. The Templars and Hospitallers also held huge tracts of land across western Europe, which provided income for the fighting machine in the Levant, especially the construction of the castles that became so vital to the Christian hold on the region.
News of the calamitous fall of Jerusalem sparked grief and outrage in the West. Pope Urban III was said to have died of a heart attack at the news and his successor, Gregory VIII, issued an emotive crusade appeal and the rulers of Europe began to organise their forces. Frederick Barbarossa's German army successfully defeated the Seljuk Turks in Asia Minor only for the emperor to drown crossing a river in southern Turkey. Soon afterwards many of the Germans died of sickness and Saladin escaped facing this formidable enemy. The Franks in the Levant had managed to cling onto the city of Tyre and then besieged the most important port on the coast, Acre. This provided a target for western forces and it was here in the summer of 1190 that Philip Augustus and Richard the Lionheart landed. The siege had lasted almost two years and the arrival of the two western kings and their troops gave the Christians the momentum they needed. The city surrendered and Saladin's prestige was badly dented. Philip soon returned home and while Richard made two attempts to march on Jerusalem, fears as to its long-term prospects after he left meant that the holy city remained in Muslim hands. Thus the Third Crusade failed in its ultimate objective, although it did at least allow the Franks to recover a strip of lands along the coast to provide a springboard for future expeditions. For his part, Saladin had suffered a series of military setbacks but, crucially, he had held onto Jerusalem for Islam. 153554b96e