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Yes, the daily tabloid newspapers are rife with sleazy debauchery, and so is this Blog, at least when it comes to Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) referred to by the abbreviation TRES. The story of the Tree Swallows at QUBS is integral to the development of the station by two remarkable leaders, Prof. Raleigh Robertson, who was Director of QUBS for 33 years, and Frank Phelan, who has managed the Station for 40 years, and who will be retiring at the end of 2015. Their story, which is also the saga of a small research station on the shores of Lake Opinicon morphing into a primary and pre-eminent 8500-acre regional research, education and conservation centre, deserves a separate post.
I started learning more and more about the industry by frequenting this site and I got my first job at a manufacturer, VideoTec. I got to travel to Italy and visit their factory and did my first ISC West trade show with a manufacturer. As I got more immersed in the Security Sales and Integration business I experienced working with the distributors like Anixter, ADI and ScanSource and started to build my network with the integrators. I have to say it is pretty interesting how I fell into this indsutry but I'm glad I did. I have my degree in Accounting and all my buddies who are in that field now, for the most part, HATE their jobs. I like what I do and even though there are some drawbacks to this industry (sales reports, sleazy competitors, very few young people :( ) I am happy with my career and still think there is real value to the products I am selling.
I got started in the security industry as a side responsibility at a local university. As a result of a government grant the initial camera/recording installation was aimed at providing video based security for the arenas. This installation was a Honeywell Fusion based recording system and the majority of the cameras were Pelco PTZ (analog). The head end featured a video matrix providing output to an array of monitors (tube based originally and upgraded to flat panel). Over time the system became a mix of Honeywell MaxPro (DVR's/VMS), Milestone, and Geovision (donated system that would definitely not have been my choice - it was donated with influence beyond my control - probably good for a small to medium size installation but not in a campus environment). 59ce067264