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The new Zoom function in Cubase allows you to view tracks and projects at specific time points (a la ProTools or Digital Performer). However, like in those other applications, it involves diming out the time when you want to render. This would be quite useful if, say, you were going to do a dry mix that you only needed to be able to zoom out for a few minutes during a presentation, but where you may not need to do a full render.
Since the Live technology in Cubase is slowly moving towards 64-bit environments, there is a new Playlist window, which gives you a scrolling stream of all of the events on the current active track/project.
The Drum Editor has been overhauled as well, with the most substantial improvement being the addition of some decent drum-related automation. This can be used to automatically export drum kits to any format that the program can handle, as well as to use automation to control effects in Cubase. This is the most noticeable automation feature in the Drum Editor.
As well as a new and improved animated workflow editor, there was also a new focus on enhancing the latency of speedlists within Cubase. You can see the results in the video. Previous versions tended to get quite fuzzy when looking at speedlists and clicking on a track would often only affect the region around the cursor. These are now fixed. d2c66b5586