Wmic Command To Get Monitor Serial Number
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You can use wmic for the task of getting the monitor make and model information from a Windows system. I tested and confirmed this works with both Windows 7 and Windows 10.
Furthermore, if you need to get the serial number, I've included a resource below that has some PowerShell script examples that I also confirmed works with both Windows 7 and Windows 10.
The name of manufactural is Acer but the code's output is ACR. Regarding the serial number, which I'm more interested, only a few digits matches. Is there another keywords or line of code that I can use to extract the exact (pretty long) serial number
Thanks for breaking the LCD Model Number [B156HTN03.6] it is helpful. However, my original issue was that the PowerShell script doesn't return that value. I did run this command on my other laptop and Desktop and the field maps to 'UserFriendlyName' If you see below, running this command i was expecting to have some ASCII numbers, but that field is blank. I think until this will be populated the script will be returning 'Not Found'
Why the complete serial number is not coming through this PS script. for example in Dell TFT it's long serial number approx 18 characters +numbers. But with the script its pick only 10 or 11 characters/numbers.
Choose Apple Menu > About This Mac to get an overview of your Mac, including your Mac model, processor, memory, serial number, and version of macOS. To see the greater detail provided by System Information, click the System Report button.
DxDiag cant print information into the console but will create a text file with the system information (including the monitor one) which you can filter later with FIND or FINDSTR information.If you need further help please check the output of the two commands and tell what you need to be saved.
Please use one the method bellow to retrieve the computer serial number: 1. Using the buid in \"wmic\" command: \"wmic bios get serialnumber\" Tip: You can use the command \"wmic csproduct get name\" to retrieve the local computer model. 2. Using a vbs script: On Error Resume Next Dim strComputerstrComputer = InputBox(\"Enter the name of the computer:\") Set objWMIService = GetObject(\"winmgmts:\" & \"{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\\\\" & strComputer & \"\\root\\cimv2\") Set colSMBIOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery (\"Select * from Win32_SystemEnclosure\") For Each objSMBIOS in colSMBIOSMsgBox strComputer & \": \" & objSMBIOS.SerialNumberNext
I wanted to be able to obtain information on a monitor attached to a Windows 10 desktop system, including the manufacturer,model number, serial number, and date of manufacture, from a command-lineinterface (CLI). One way to do that is by using PowerShell, whichMicrosoft provides as part of its Windows operating system. You can opena PowerShell window on a Microsoft Windows 10 system by typing PowerShell in the \"Type here to search\" field at the bottomof the Windows display. You should see the Windows PowerShell app listed asan option you can click on to open a PowerShell window. If you typegwmi WmiMonitorID -Namespace root\\wmi at the prompt and hitenter, you will see information similar to the following output displayed.(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push({});PS C:\\> gwmi WmiMonitorID -Namespace root\\wmi__GENUS : 2__CLASS : WmiMonitorID__SUPERCLASS : MSMonitorClass__DYNASTY : MSMonitorClass__RELPATH : WmiMonitorID.InstanceName=\"DISPLAY\\\\HPN360C\\\\5&2c03a83e&0&UID262_0\"__PROPERTY_COUNT : 9__DERIVATION : {MSMonitorClass}__SERVER : YTTERBIUM__NAMESPACE : root\\wmi__PATH : \\\\YTTERBIUM\\root\\wmi:WmiMonitorID.InstanceName=\"DISPLAY\\\\HPN360C\\\\5&2c03a83e&0&UID262_0\"Active : TrueInstanceName : DISPLAY\\HPN360C\\5&2c03a83e&0&UID262_0ManufacturerName : {72, 80, 78, 0...}ProductCodeID : {51, 54, 48, 67...}SerialNumberID : {67, 78, 75, 48...}UserFriendlyName : {72, 80, 32, 51...}UserFriendlyNameLength : 13WeekOfManufacture : 12YearOfManufacture : 2020PSComputerName : YTTERBIUMPS C:\\>In the above output, you can see that the name of the manufacturer,product code id, serial number, etc. are displayed as a sequence of number, i.e., in a format that is not readily human-interpretable. Thefollowing PowerShell script, which is a modified version of one provided by Nicholas Bundy atGet monitor Manufacturer, Model, and serial number, will reformat thatinformation to a format more readily understandable. You can save the codeas a .ps1 script file or you can just copy and paste it into a PowerShellwindow and then hit Enter to see the output.
The \"12\" in the output for week of manufacture indicates the monitorwas manufactured in March of 2020, which matched the label on the bottom of theHP QHD 32\" monitor on which the commands above were run.
Select the Display tab and look for the Advanced display settings option at the bottom or at the right. Click it and on the screen that follows, open the Choose display dropdown. Select your secondary display/external monitor from this list. The monitor will show up with its make and model number.
For desktops and laptops, the monitor or screen is measured from the top left-corner to the bottom-right corner, in inches. To determine the size of your desktop monitor or laptop screen, click a link below. Desktop computer monitor - measure screen. Desktop computer monitor - model number.
Eg DISPLAY\\GSM56FE\\6&1a2c18c4&0&UID256 the first part is the make and model of the monitor but this is insufficient if there are several of these monitors connected. The next task is to enumerate the monitors in WmiMonitorID (you can do this using IID_WbemLocator) this gives the following: Instance, manufacturer, product id and serial number.
Type cmd in the Windows search bar at the bottom-left of the screen, then select Command Prompt from the list of results. In the Command Prompt window, type wmic bios get serialnumber and press Enter. The Service Tag (Serial Number) appears as shown in the image below.
Monitor serial number checked the Lookup monitor information as shown in the screenshot posted by Andrew and the Display registry key seems to have all. Configuration Manager already collects some information about the monitors by default, but it is being extremely stingy about it.
Whenever Windows sees a new monitor it adds it to the end of the current configuration. However, this doesn't change the current configuration.To force Windows to configure monitors properly if the numbers aren't correct, you need to delete these two registry keys, and then add the monitors one at a time.
Collecting monitor serial numbers with SCCM Configuration Manager already collects some information about the monitors by default, but it is being extremely stingy about it. This is what ConfigMgr collects out of the box. Only the resolution is really of any worth to us, everything else is useless.
Monitor Serial Number Report for SCCM 2012 It is possible, however it is not a straight-forward task, to report on the serial number of the screens attached to the computers in your organization. It is done with the usage of WmiMonitorID Hardware Inventory Class, which resides in root\\wmi namespace of the computer.
Lists information about the motherboard on Configuration Manager client computers. This includes the serial number of the motherboard, a description and more. This view can be joined to other views by using the ResourceID column. v_GS_BATTERY. Returns details about any computer that contains a battery, such as a notebook computer.
If you goto Inventory > Devices > Select the workstation you want > Click the Wrench (Tools) > Select \"Complete Profile\" and then Scroll down to the section marked \"Desktop Monitors\", there is a little link in the title bar for Desktop Monitors labeled as \"Detailed View\" click that link and it will show you all of the information about the monitor, such as serial number, manufacturer, resolution, model, etc.
WizardSoft's WS Display Settings is a neat little tool and pretty simple to use for command line newbies: Command line tool to save and restore Windows display settings to and from file. Easy multi-monitor setup. Create presets for laptop, tv, monitor and beamer.
The make of a monitor is easy to find but the model number is a bit tricky. To find the model number, you need to first connect the monitor to your system. Make sure that it is recognized and that Windows is able to send output to it. Also, make sure you do not have any shadow monitors on your system.
I tested your code and for my ACER monitor it still grabs most but not all numbers for the serial number. Its a fairly new monitor so I don't know if the issue is monitor related, like if the EDID info that is embedded by manufacturer is accurate or not... I also have this issue with code as well.... is there another way decode the monitor serial numbers
There are a couple of WMI classes that provide information about resolution and monitors. One of these classes is the Win32_VideoController class. I can query this by using Get-CimInstance in Windows PowerShell 3.0, or I can use Get-WmiObject in Windows 7 with the default Windows PowerShell 2.0. The command is shown here:
I would like the serial number of a windows device/server to populate the proper fields to be used with solarwinds reports. There is no reason to type this information in to a serial number property the OS provides it several ways.
Serial numbers are usually printed on stickers or etched into some devices, but if the sticker is removed or worn then you will need to find the number on your device. This article will list how to find serial numbers on a variety of devices.
INSTRUCTIONS TO FIND MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER OF A LENOVO COMPUTER If your computer will not turn on, try looking on the outside of your computer for a printed label. This sample is for one type of Lenovo - yours could look different. Look after S/N for your serial number. 153554b96e